In the midst of humanitarian crisis, ICR Canada will support Christians in Israel and Palestine in the midst of war with terrorists in Gaza through local churches. We are ready to help support the persecuted Christians in the midst of surviving a terrible situation.

The World Needs Our Help.

ICR Canada is helping in many countries around the globe where North American missionaries simply can't safely go. For over 50 years, the international ministry of ICR has provided spiritual and material assistance to Christians who live in countries hostile to the gospel, enabling them to proclaim the truth, plant churches, and persevere.

You can make a difference in the life of a persecuted Nigerian Christian today.

  • Support a widow.
  • Sponsor an orphan’s education.
  • Provide emergency aid for a displaced family.
  • Equip a pastor to serve those living in areas of intense persecution.

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Breaking News on Persecuted Christians Around the Globe

Persecuted Christians in India Devasted by Son’s Death

Jul 22, 2024

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Pastor Sushil Kumar and his wife rose at 3 a.m. on July 8 in their village in northern India as always to pray. They came out of their house 90 minutes later to find their 22-year-old son’s body hanging from the bamboo ceiling of a nearby animal shed. Nilesh…


Iran sentences tourist to 10 years in prison for possessing New Testament

Jun 28, 2024

In a controversial legal case, Hakop Gochumyan, an Armenian Christian, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison in Iran. Despite arguments from his lawyer highlighting the weakness of the case against him, the judge invoked a provision in the penal code allowing for judgments based on “intuition.” Gochumyan, who has been detained since his…


Christian Leaders Attacked with Swords in Northern India

Apr 22, 2024

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A group belonging to a Sikh warrior order last week attacked a pastor and another Christian with swords and knives in northern India’s Punjab state for leading church worship in their village. Four Nihang Sikhs, who as members of the traditional warrior group are permitted to carry such weapons,…


Muslim Extremists Kill Christian Convert in Kenya

Mar 22, 2024

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 22, 2024 (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on March 8 ambushed and killed an evangelist from Kenya and severely injured three others from Uganda near a town on Kenya’s border with Uganda, sources said. The four Christian workers were returning to Bugiri, Uganda after a four-day outreach in Kenya when they…


Muslim Suitor Kidnaps 13-yr-old Pakistani Christian Girl

Mar 22, 2024

LAHORE, Pakistan, March 21, 2024 (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News) – Two months after a Muslim told a Christian in Pakistan he could not stop him from taking the Christian’s 13-year-old daughter for marriage to his 28-year-old Muslim son, the girl was kidnapped on March 13, her father said. Shakeel Masih said his daughter, Roshni…


Christian Girl Kidnapped, Forcibly Converted to Islam

Mar 12, 2024

LAHORE, Pakistan, March 11, 2024 (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News) – The Christian parents of a 10-year-old girl in Pakistan who was abducted and forcibly converted to Islam last month fear she could be sold to sex traffickers, sources said. A month after Laiba Suhail was abducted from her home in Chak 233-RB Ikhlaq Town,…


Christians in Jaranwala, Pakistan Acquitted of Blasphemy Charges

Mar 5, 2024

By Our Pakistan Correspondent LAHORE, Pakistan, March 4, 2024 (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A judge in Pakistan on Friday (March 1) acquitted two Christian brothers of false blasphemy charges that had led to Muslims attacking Christian homes and businesses in Jaranwala last year, sources said. Faisalabad Anti-Terrorism Judge Muhammad Hussain ordered the acquittal of…


Christian Convert Couple Slain for their Faith

Feb 22, 2024

By Our East Africa CorrespondentNAIROBI, Kenya, February 16, 2024 (Morning Star News) – A formerly Muslim couple in eastern Uganda, parents of four young children, were slashed to death on Feb. 2, two months after putting their faith in Christ, sources said. Twaha Namwoyo, 38, and his 27-year-old wife, Nadiimu Katooko, were slain for their faith…


Christian Homes in Pakistan Hit with Gunshots

Feb 15, 2024

LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Muslims fired gunshots and threw fuel bombs at the homes of Christians in a village in Pakistan at 2 a.m. on Monday (Feb. 12) for supporting an opposing political party in last week’s elections, sources said. No one was hurt in the attacks in Chak 6/11-L village in Sahiwal…


Christians in Yemen must keep their faith secret, or risk severe repercussions from their families, the authorities or radical Islamic groups. This can include divorce, loss of custody of children, arrest, and interrogation. Even death.

Following Jesus continues to be extremely dangerous. How can you help?

Since 1969, ICR’s international ministry has been providing hope and help in Ukraine. At this time, as people in Ukraine are fleeing for their lives, ICR teams and partners are on the ground working to provide emergency food, safe shelter, blankets, and medical supplies for displaced people in Ukraine, and for those who have fled to nearby countries. Will you help?


Persecuted to Persevere


Indigenous Christian Leaders


The Gospel in Hostile Places

ICR Canada provides fast and effective help for persecuted Christians and people in need in many countries around the world.



Christian Leaders Attacked with Swords in Northern India

Christian Leaders Attacked with Swords in Northern India

Apr 22, 2024

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A group belonging to a Sikh warrior order last week attacked a pastor and another Christian with swords and knives in northern India’s Punjab state for leading church worship in their village. Four Nihang Sikhs, who as members of the traditional warrior group are permitted to carry such weapons, attacked Pastor Gurjeet Singh, alias Gurjeet Rinku, and his younger brother Gurdeep Singh on Thursday (April 18) in Sultanwind village, Amritsar District, a relative said. The assailants first told Gurdeep…


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How We Help | ICR Canada

How We Help

Leadership training, church planting, humanitarian aid, and providing bibles and study guides are only a few of the ways we help.

Financial support is always appreciated, but let's also discuss how to partner with ICR Canada to help the persecuted church around the world.